Give your child the special start they deserve.

See the able not the label

Bring your child to Jenga Mtoto today

About Us

Jenga Mtoto Foundation is a learning centre that supports and guides parents to access therapeutic services for their children with learning disabilities.

Our Mission

To provide quality comprehensive rehabilitation services to children living with physical and/or learning challenges limiting their levels of functional performance.

Core values

Unending passion for children, quality and professionalism, transparency, accountability and unity.

Conditons We Address
We welcome all children with learning difficulties aged 0 - 12 years old to our day program. We also run run a boarding program for children aged 4-12 years old.

Our Services
When erolled, the children undergo an intervention program from all therapy departments including occupational and speach therapists to establish the child's therapy needs.

We also welcome volunteering, internship and supervision, research data collection, parent groups and caretaker training.
Special Needs Education
Our special educational needs program aims to provide individualised and modified strategies to provide learners to acquire academic skills.

We also support and encourage development of talents while creating a community of life-long learners.
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Mpererwe mugalu zone
off Gayaza Road,